Wednesday 17 June 2020

Carnival Baby

What is a Carnival Baby?

Master of Music, designed by Peter, portrayed by Sheldon

A Carnival Baby (n): Is a baby boy or girl born approximately nine (9) months after Carnival, usually in the month of November or early December (Morris, 2019).  A carnival baby can also be a child being conceived during the Carnival Festival Celebrations from January 1st until Ash Wednesday.

The social practice of making out after the consumption of alcohol is common practice during Carnival.  There are some who don’t need alcohol and get a natural high off the music and dancing very closely with a partner is also related to the Carnival Baby miracle.  Male and Female interactions are at an all-time high as people from all over the world descend upon the Carnival celebrations, and create connections and deep feelings for each other during this time of indulgence.

Master Blaster, designed by Peter, portrayed by Sheldon

Cousins Nichole and Sheldon in Skinner Park

Are you a Carnival Baby?

Click here to check the Carnival date to see if you are a Carnival Baby.

Carnival dates from1826 to 1900 AD from Island Research

Carnival dates from1826 to 1900 AD from Island Research

Carnival dates for 2014 to 2026

Click here to check the Carnival dates for 2014 to 2026.

Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago by Lise Winer


Morris, K., 2019. Word of the Week: Carnival Baby. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020].


Featured Image from Sheldon

Screen shot from The Carnival Dates Project - Trinidad & Tobago


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